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Emma Clifford, Fabulous Female Founder of lifestyle brand Rock That Scent tells us how it all started..

Fabulous Female Founder, Emma Clifford. All photography by @sophieburgess_photography

Tell me a little about yourself?

I was born and bred in Stoke on Trent and am the youngest of 5 girls (my poor Father). I now live in mid Staffordshire with my husband Ian, 11-year-old son Louie, Woody the bonkers Springer Spaniel and Maverick & Goose the noisy budgies. Not forgetting my stepson Harry (21) who lives in Cornwall.

When and how did you decide to start up Rock That Scent?

I had always planned to set up my own business when I finished in my previous career, I just never anticipated it would start a few years earlier than planned. Ian and I would often thrash out ideas of what I/we could do; I knew it needed to be something which promotes a sustainable lifestyle, and suited family life but couldn’t quite put my finger on what it should be.

Earlier this year a friend of mine asked if I was interested in selling FM fragrances, as she was doing this whilst on furlough. Initially I declined, but then having pondered over it for a few weeks, I thought what the hell, I have nothing to lose! And it would ease me into running my own business. I quite enjoyed it and it was doing well but knew in my heart that I wanted my own brand, own ethos, own website.

Now, I do overthink things and don’t always see the obvious; I was about to purchase some candles, when the penny dropped that I should do my own candle range; I had made some for our wedding 9 years ago, so knew the basics, I had the name and wanted to keep that as it still suited what I was doing. I conducted a little research, bought some books, went on an online course, and the rest as they say is history.

Why Rock That Scent?

 It’s actually a play on words of the road where I live! I have had so many compliments that it’s a ‘cool’ name and the branding and products are ‘amazing’, which was fantastic when I was having doubts about it. Once it was all branded up, I loved it!

What were you doing before?

I was a police officer for 27 years but had to finish a few years early for health reasons.

Where did you get the inspiration for your brand?

Would you believe it if I said it was from the programme Schitt’s Creek (if you’ve seen it); I loved David’s apothecary shop Rose Apothecary.  I’ve always had a fascination with the old brown medicine bottles and jars, hence why I chose the amber jars and the plain white labels. I just wanted a clean, neutral theme, which would suit all interiors. I created the logo myself and it was the first one I did and stuck with it, or we get in to over thinker territory again.

What’s your most popular candle?

Winter Scent – it truly is the smell of the festive season (In my humble opinion). Its spiced orange infused scent is the epitome of Christmas in a jar!

Candle or wax melts?

Ooh now that’s like asking a parent to choose their favourite child. They are both beautiful in their own right and have different qualities. Candles emit a more subtle scent throw, whereas melts are more of a room filler.

What’s next for Rock That Scent?

 I would really love to have a little studio, as I’m already taking over the house. I aspire to hold small candle making workshops, but this is a little way off yet, but who knows what the next 12 months will bring.

What is your best-selling product?

Jodd Ceramics wax burner and Rock That Scent wax melts

The wax melts and burners have been particularly popular. The wax burners I have made by a fabulous lady that I found on Instagram named Lisa; she has a small business called Jodd Ceramics and she makes the most fabulous pieces. All products are hand thrown in her home studio.

An object you would never part with

It would have to be my phone – I can run the business from wherever I am, which isn’t anywhere far away of recent. The only thing it can’t do is pack and dispatch the parcels for me!

The biggest female influence in your life

There are many – I am from a female majority family, all of which are strong, funny, clever and beautiful and every single one has had an influence in my life, so if I chose one, my life would not be worth living!

My mother died when I was 13 which meant that I had 4 extra mothers with my sisters, who are significantly older than me (sorry girls, but it is true). Their children are of a similar age to me, so in essence I had 5 little sisters and 3 little brothers too. I have the best relationship with all of them, as I’m the middle piece of the two generations.  There’s usually lots of fun, laughter and a few empty bottles when we’re all together, and I’m told that we get quite loud!

An unforgettable place you’ve travelled to in the past year

A couple of years ago I decided to start our family tree, I don’t know what I was thinking to be honest! My Father was one of 16 (it’s not a typo), my mother was an only child, and her mother was adopted. I decided to start by looking into my grandmother’s adoption and her background, as surprisingly we knew a fair bit about my father’s enormous family. A bit of digging, delving and a DNA test later, ta da, I found yet more family in Canada! This would be my mum’s cousin, who wasn’t in great health and now in his 80’s. Following a little encouragement by Ian, my sisters and I were let loose, unsupervised to Canada for a week. I had always wanted to visit and we had such a lovely time, with lots of giggles (usually at each other’s expense) meeting long lost family (who probably wished we were still long and lost) and saw the spectacular Niagara Falls and spent a few nights in Toronto. This trip was unforgettable for many reasons.

Where would you like to go next?

I would love to see more of Canada, in particular a road trip over in the western regions.

Favourite smell?

Neroli – I love the exotic scent, also sandalwood and leather.

Your favourite website

I’m trying to make a conscious effort to support small businesses, and one of my favourites is a small Devon based jewellery company called Chambers & Beau. I have a few of her pieces now and love how they can all be mixed up.

A recent “find”

This would have to be the cinnamon buns from Da Bara Bakery, they are divine! They deliver across the UK and you can order online.

The books on your bedside table

There are a few copies of my favourite 91 magazine, which is an independent interiors and lifestyle magazine.  Book wise, I’ve just finished reading The Miracle Lady by Amanda McDonald. Amanda is a friend of mine, who has written her autobiography of life, death, and everything in between. This woman is a true inspiration!

If you weren’t doing what you do

Probably still wondering what to do.

In your fridge you’ll always find

Prosecco and chocolate. You never know when you might have something to celebrate, plus I just like to drink it anyway, and chocolate, just because.

The beauty staple you’ll never without

Dermaquest peptide glyco cleanser. I only use it the recommended 2-3 times a week, but it’s fabulous for your skin.

Favourite City

New York – I’ve visited twice and really want to go back and take Louie now that he is old enough to appreciate it.