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Fabulous Female Founder of Atelier18, Sophie Mowbray reveals her passion for jewellery..

What’s your birth sign?

Leo August 20th 1974

When and how did you decide to start up Atelier18?

I have always loved jewellery and designing small and pretty things! I love the idea of interchangeable jewellery, the addition of charms and stones that have personal meaning to an existing piece, or necklace. Having had a company which imported block printed homewares from Jaipur I found I was more and more attracted to the stones, colours and gems on my many trips - it all started small by popping designs into my suitcase and flourished from there!

Can people with allergies wear your jewellery?

Very much so! Being very allergic to any metals other than Silver and Gold it was imperative for me to create a range that is utterly sensitive to all skins. All of our jewellery is pure silver micron plated in 18kt gold. Our Lilliput range is particularly popular with teens and I often get messages about how comfortable our shapes are to wear.

What’s been your most popular item during lockdown?

Lockdown has been a funny time! I have noticed a big increase in people ordering our Alphabet pendants for loved ones - I offer a free gift wrapping service and some of the sweet notes people ask me to write in the card can bring a tear to my eye!! There has also been a big increase in people adding a few charms or Briolette stones to personalise their necklaces. Our Huggie and midi zircon hoops are an Atelier18 staple - with or without the addition of our charms, and have always been our best sellers. We offer them in 6 colour ways and have over 28 different earring charms so you can individualise the earrings very easily! The number of multiples is mind boggling and makes for tricky photography!!

Being a Pisces I love the lucky fish gold pendant it has a look of ‘old’ about it… ?

You have good taste - it is such a sweet piece! I too adore our fish pendant and it has sold really well - the pretty blue stones look fabulous against the golden pendant. A real keeper! It is made by my friend Shiva.  He lives in the Gem district of Jaipur with his family, many of whom work with him.  His son Max is 16 and it has been a treat to see him grow over the years and I hope that we will continue to do business with the family!  Their knowledge and skill is a treat to experience - I can give Shiva a crappy drawing on a scrappy piece of paper (I’m always drawing ideas and often its on the first piece of paper I can find!!) and he will create something really special!  A true master of his craft, his knowledge of the gems of India is phenomenal.  I am in the process of creating  pendants that represent the star signs and Pisces was the obvious place to start! 

Do you support any charities?

We sure do! I have a very dear family member who suffers from Autism and i see the struggle he, and his close family deal with every day. We give 10% of all our Huggie hoops (best seller) sales to the National Autistic Society.

How quickly do you re-stock, some of your items are so popular they’re often sold out (alphabet pendants)

We try and keep as much of our stock as up to date as possible, but being a small business who support small suppliers it can be tricky. Part of the Atelier18 ethos is to support small family run companies in India who create small batches of well made jewellery - this is really important to us and over the years we have become good friends with these families - as such we do have period when items are out of stock - only usually for a few weeks or so! I would rather not comprise on quality and feel it is important to continue to use my small suppliers in Jaipur - if someone has to wait a few weeks for something i feel it makes it all there special!

What makes Atelier 18 unique?

I like to think that Atelier18 lets you be an individual - to interpret our designs to suit each person! Our brand is easy to spot but i love to see how people mix the stone colours and charm choices to suit themselves!

A jeweller that inspires you?

Lots of jewellers inspire me but i would have to say Pippa Small - who was influential into me starting would have to be my favourite! I also adore the timelessness of Cassandra Goad.

Your top three products..

I adore the timeless quality of our Alphabet pendants - I live in mine along with one of our Fish Pendants and a few Lapis Briolettes. I also adore the colour and delicate nature of our Felicity chains especially with the addition of our Jaipur stone or cappella pendant. But my Aquamarine Midi hoops with the addition of a variety of charms are my fave!

An object you would never part with?

I am a ridiculously sentimental person - I have a home full of objects that all mean something to me and could not think of parting with any other them! I grew up in the USA and do have a very ancient Amish Quilt that my father brought me at a smelly old auction when i was a child - it is amazing - so detailed and in remarkable condition. It hangs on my bedroom wall and always will.

The last meal that truly impressed you

I am a terrible foodie!! Only yesterday I had my first trip to Din Tai Fung in Covent Garden - and I have to say it was utterly unbelievably good!

The biggest female influence in your life

This would have to be my dear mother. She died when she was very young, but I am so thankful for every day I and with her, she taught me the importance of family in life, to live ones life fully and fabulously! To love hard, to break the rules, laugh lots and treasure those close to you!

An unforgettable place you’ve travelled to in the past year

We have a home near Helford, Cornwall and I am at my happiest there. It was only since COVID-19 hit and we could not freely skip there for weekends I realised quite how important that simple, slow and oh so beautiful part of England is to me!

If you could only own one piece of jewellery would it be?

I have always secretly coveted Cassandra Goads Brinjal Indian wedding Pendant! I drop hints to my husband on a regular basis! sadly they fall on deaf ears!

How do you celebrate your birthday?

With lots of of Margaritas and a selection of salty snacks!

Where would you like to go next?

I adore India and have sadly had to cancel 2 tips since this bloody Pandemic - I miss my friends and the inspiration the wonder of India offers me - so I would have to say India.

What are you dreaming of?

I have three hulking teenage sons so I often dream of peace and quiet and school to start again!

Your favourite website

I’m rather fond of my Atelier18 website! My husband is a photographer so we have had lots of fun creating it together. As for another website… Since lockdown I have been re-decorating 2 bedrooms and my drawing room.  I have discovered Hill and May who are a small company that make divine lampshades which I am so delighted with.  They have added a much needed richness to my interiors, all are made in small batches so they are pretty unique too. Having recently ordered many delightful lampshades of their lampshades I would say their website is easy to use, colourful and inspiring!  The female owners are also hugely helpful and their suggestions have transformed my interiors! 

What’s in your future plans for Atelier 18

I hope to grow Atelier18 over the next few years and to start selling in more shops. I am also in the process of creating some fabulous pendants to sit along side our classic Alphabet pendants - for them to become our new signature pieces. We are also in the throws of starting our Bespoke range! Watch this space!

A recent “find”

I am a terrible shopaholic - and adore fashion as well as jewellery. I have recently discover a brand called Ozzie and Clementine - lots of affordable clothes with pretty touches. I have also recently stumbled upon Gails pumpernickel Bread!

The last music I downloaded

I spend much of my life fighting with my boys over music - Jack Savoretti was my latest download.

In my fridge you’ll always find

A hunk of parmesan and a few limes. A margarita and piece of cheese make me happy!

The beauty staple I’m never without

Sarah Chapmans Overnight Facial! I swear by it and cannot live without it!

Favourite Boutique Hotel

This is impossible for me to ask as i adore Hotels! In Jaipur i stay in a small hotel called  47 Jobner Bagh - its perfect on every level and like a home from home and I miss Shiva and my dear friends there terribly!