Lulu's Luxury Lifestyle

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What is Luxury?

The definition of luxury - a state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense, something that is expensive and not necessary.

Luxury isn’t just about big brands, bling, material things and expensive ‘stuff’. Of course it’s subjective, but for me it’s about anything that makes you feel good, from an experience, to a product, to a sensation. Big plump down pillows are one of my biggest luxuries in a hotel and it’s the first thing I go and check when doing a hotel review. Attention to detail. Little touches. Being treated as a person in a hotel, not a room number. Not having to dig out your passport as soon as you arrive. Welcome drinks as par for the course, not something that’s seen as an extra. All day breakfast, taken wherever you like. Generous bathroom products, lots of towels, beautiful bedlinen. A lovely smelling candle. Candlelit rooms night and day. Amazing service of course - even if you’re staying in a shack on the beach. Beautiful food, however simple and not having to cook.

Luxury is not about 5 stars, it’s about genuine hospitality, authentic experiences. Thoughtfulness. Feel-good factor.

Luxury is time.

Now more than ever, time to appreciate the simple things in life, beautifully done.