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Becky Glover, Fabulous Female Founder of Elizabeth Rose Wines

How would your best friend describe you?

I asked my friend for an honest opinion and this is what she said – “Becky is an extremely passionate, driven individual who is tirelessly striving to be the best friend, partner and business woman she can be, bringing her compassion to everything she does.  This is why she is so successful in her endeavours.  

How, when and why did you set up Elizabeth Rose?

Sara and I went on a much-needed girls week away to Cornwall in September 2018.  It was our own little self-made retreat.  We rented a cottage, did yoga in the morning, went for ridiculously hilly runs, went sailing, and went on some vineyard tours and tastings with Cornish Wine Tours.  We had discovered English wines before, but this time we were seeing exactly where it was made, the people who ran the vineyards and just how incredible the different wines were! We then got back from our holiday and wanted to buy some more wines.  However, we found that there just wasn’t anywhere that specialised in English & Welsh wines that we could mix and match a case or order just a couple of bottles.  And so, Elizabeth Rose was born!

The business is funded solely by us and is run out of our homes. It is our hope that we can shine the light on English and Welsh wines and get as many people to love it as possible.  It is such a new industry still; we are so excited to see it grow!

Is it your full-time job?

I’m the Finance Director at a software technology company in Cambridge.  I love finance and business and this sector really interests me because it’s constantly changing.  I am really proud of how far I’ve come.  I left school at 17 with mediocre GCSEs and then I worked really hard to qualify as a Chartered Certified Accountant at 24.  Now I am 29 and I only get more and more ambitious! 

Why English wines?

Well, there is no denying that it’s better for the environment to not ship wine halfway across the world, it’s great to support the local economy and it tastes amazing!  However, another huge reason for me is because you can meet the owners, the vineyard workers, and the wine makers.  A lot of these vineyards only produce a few thousand bottles a year and some vineyard owners even still work full time.  These businesses are small, family run and fuelled by their passion for great wine.  That for me makes much better wine than something made in the millions of bottles by a big corporate! It’s special, it’s personal and it’s delicious! 

What is your first memory of drinking wine?

My Mum used to call me a “wino” as I always asked for a taste when she was drinking wine.  I think this was when I was about 7!

What’s your most popular wine?

The Winbirri Signature.  Most people think England can’t produce a good red wine, but this one surprises people every time! It’s richer than you might think, with oak and spices that complement the fruit flavours perfectly! 

How was business affected during Lockdown?

We had our busiest ever months in lockdown! Our sales in still wines went through the roof, which is fantastic as England & Wales are usually known for their sparkling wines.  It’s great to see people drinking English & Welsh wines as an everyday wine instead of just for special occasions.

Has anyone in particular been an inspiration to you during the set-up of the company?

There isn’t just one person, but I am surrounded by a lot of really hard-working people.  When I have a bad day, I have people around me who understand, can relate, and can keep pushing me through! It is so important for me to be surrounded by people who are ambitious.

An object you would never part with

My phone! I’d be so lost without it.

The last meal that truly impressed you

I had a tasting with one of our restaurant partners, Craft in Birmingham, and they kindly gave me lunch.  Oh my! It was exceptional! They have a fully British menu and a wine list to match. Their whole dining experience is on another level and everyone must go!

Which restaurant in East Anglia do you think has the best wine list?

Pea Porridge in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk… They have some exciting English wine news coming up!

The biggest female influence in your life

My Grandma certainly made a huge impact on me.  We were lucky enough to spend lots of time with her growing up as my Mother and Father have always been really hard workers.  She was a glamorous housewife who somehow did it all.  From running the home, to looking after the grandchildren to effortlessly hosting dinner parties.  What this showed me was that you are a team in your relationship.  My partner and I both have hectically busy work lives, but we are always there for each other, cheering each other on, giving the harsh advice when it’s needed, and most importantly, we are always a team!

An unforgettable place you’ve travelled to in the past year

I went on holiday to Bordeaux in August and stayed at a family run vineyard near Saint-Emilion.  I adore French wine, so this was just bliss for me! We hope to have a home in this region one day – part of the reason I keep working so hard…

Your favourite wine (doesn’t have to be English!)

I love a cool climate Chardonnay.  For example, a Chablis or an English Chardonnay.  It’s elegant, classic and just stunning for every occasion.

Where would you like to go next?

La Minervetta, Amalfi Coast

The Amalfi coast.  It looks stunning and I’ve never been.

What are you dreaming of?

A super yacht, a private jet and a personal chef… no, actually last night I had a dream that there were people setting up home in my garage… haha!

Your favourite website

I love the Harrods website.  I spend hours browsing everything from wine to towels on there.  I fill up my basket with everything I could ever want, look at the total and think “maybe tomorrow” haha! I love their design, branding and just how effortlessly perfect everything is.

What’s in your future plans for Elizabeth Rose?

Our aim is for someone to say “English wine” and for people to think “Elizabeth Rose”.  We’ve always had big plans for the business, and we work tirelessly to constantly improve, expand and spread the word.  We are going to be extremely busy in the next few years!

We will continue to travel around the country to find the best English & Welsh wines.  We’ll partner up with these exceptional vineyards and make it accessible and easy to buy their wines on our website.  We will also be partnering up with more restaurants to bring English wine to even more people. 

The website is constantly evolving so people can expect to see a lot more features soon.  We’ve also got some great plans coming up for when we can hold events. 

Ultimately, we still have a lot more wine drinkers to introduce to English wine so there is still lots more to do!

A recent wine “find”

A lot of people think that only the south of England make good wine.  However, East Anglia is producing exceptional still wines.  One small, boutique vineyard that I love is Toppesfield in Essex (above).  I recently did a tasting video comparing their Rose with the popular Whispering Angel Provence Rose and the Toppesfield came out on top! A must try if you love a Provence rose, but you want something really special for the same price!

The best English sparkling wine?

Wow! That’s a tough one.  We have some fantastic sparkling wines.  One of my favourites, and an award winner, is the Wiston Blanc de Blancs 2011.  It won the Decanter Platinum award “Best in Show”. 

Rosé, white or red?

Oh! What a question.  I’m a ‘match the weather with the wine’ kind of a girl but I drink more white wine than anything else. 

The last music I downloaded

Beyonce’s B’Day Album… I mean, everyone needs a bit of Beyonce in their life and this was a classic album!  I’m not ashamed to say it’s currently on repeat in my car.

The books on my bedside table

I currently have The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters, Superlife by Darin Olien and Slow Horses by Mick Herron.

In my fridge you’ll always find

Garlic.  I can’t get enough! I am a fan of French cuisine, so garlic goes in everything here.

The beauty cream I’m never without

Elemis Pro Collagen Marine Cream.  I love that cream!

Favourite City

Venice. I’ve had some great trips here and I just love getting lost and stopping in a beautiful waterfront bar for some cocktails.