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An Interview with Ali Barker, Founder of Suffolk’s Folk Café

You’ll find Folk Café (my favourite place to eat in Suffolk) at Fornham Business Court, The Drift, Fornham St Martin, Bury Saint Edmunds IP31 1SL.

Folk Café opened at the end of 2018. It’s a British café providing a warm space and a simple, quality menu with speciality coffee & artisan bread. A place to recharge, refuel and relax near Bury St. Edmunds, in sunny Suffolk.

When times are normal I go to dog-friendly Folk Café virtually every day after school drop off, I’m sure they’re sick of the sight of me! It’s a place that I totally fell in love with, the concept, the staff, the atmosphere, the perfect menu, absolutely perfect coffee and then there’s the owner Ali. Ali is one of the most inspirational people I have met. Her work ethic for one. Her style and creativity. Her way with people. Her determination. Her vision. Her kindness. Ali is truly one-of-a-kind and I feel so very lucky to have met her. So I wanted to share her insights on the wonderful café she’s created and hear her story and what happens next…

Tell me a little about yourself?

I grew up in Woodbridge and my family moved to West Suffolk when I was around 20. I then lived and worked in London for about 6 years doing events for the event agency GSP, and then for Jamie Oliver’s Food Foundation. I have travelled around New Zealand where I got a lot of inspiration for Folk Café. I have a Cockapoo called Edie and it must be really annoying when I talk to her in a ridiculous dog voice but ask her human questions - I can’t seem to help it.

Although I’ve always loved Suffolk, as I’ve gotten older, I have a new appreciation for how lucky I am to have grown up here, and just how cool our county is. My favourite place in the world (yes world) is Covehithe Beach.

Other than Folk Café, I’m always working on different projects with my brother. Most recently we have been sewing, creating a new app and planning a cookbook.

I turn 30 this July and have experienced the best year of my life by opening Folk. The new experience of customers visiting us and the team enjoying what we do is continuously surreal. The relationships formed with my team and watching their relationships develop with each other has been unbelievably rewarding as has getting to know our wonderful customers and suppliers.

What book are you reading?

I am currently reading – Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde & The Accidental by Ali Smith.

When and how did you decide to start up Folk Café?

I think the idea of a business incorporating food, coffee, interior and events all under one roof has been humming away at me for 10+ years, since my first job in event planning. Experiencing the café culture in New Zealand in 2016/17 was probably the time I realised I wanted to give it a shot. New Zealand is just so cool - driving along a dirt track, in the middle of no where, going inside what can only be described as a shack, to find speciality coffee, delicious food and friendly staff. Very cool coffee shop vibes. They really know what they’re doing.

Why Folk Café?

I struggled with the name for ages. I was hunting for something that felt right, but that resulted in thinking absolutely ridiculous names might work. It’s funny to look back on what I considered at the time.

Then I drove passed the Suffolk sign on a journey home and it just clicked. Half of the word Suffolk. It just means people, country people, normal people, all types of folk. For me it sums up the feeling of community.

Where did you get the inspiration for your menu?

Everywhere. Books, travelling, Instagram, making meals out of what is left in the fridge etc! I’m so lucky to have a team who contribute to the ideas and each add a bit of their personality to everything we do.

What’s your most popular item on the menu?

Can I give three? Folk Summer Salad (Leaves, Sprouting Broccoli, Feta, Roasted Red Pepper, Quinoa & House Dressing). Victoria Sponge. I have to mention Coronation Chicken Lulu, as I know it’s your favourite! Homemade Fish Finger Sandwich.

What makes your coffee the best coffee?

Our local coffee roaster Butterworth & Son ( continuously supply us with unbelievably delicious and consistent coffee, which is sourced ethically and sustainably from farm to cup only. Our signature Espresso 4Bean blend is made with the highest quality of beans from Colombia, Peru, Guatemala and Ethiopia. We also take advantage of their Coffee of the moment, changing every few months, which enables us to try different coffee roasting processes and origins. The very cool artwork by master roaster Tom Howes (@nodosaurus) is an added bonus.  

Rosie working her magic with Butterworth & Son coffee

A restaurant or chef that inspires you


James Carn from Bury St Edmunds. I can’t get enough of his food! It’s insanely good. Really lucky to be collaborating with him at the moment, with him exclusively catering events at Folk and also running a Sunday Roast Residency which we will start again in Autumn. We are always discussing new ideas and I’m really excited about the potential of the collaboration.  

Further afield:

26grains/Stoney Street ( by Alex Hely-Hutchinson. I love both café and restaurant. Continuously get inspiration from the recipes, ideas and pictures shared online.

Best Suffolk product

I can’t choose one thing they make, but Wooster’s Bakery (

An object you would never part with

A poem my Grandpa wrote for me in 1995.

The last meal that truly impressed you

Grilled Leeks at Brat Restaurant in Hackney. OMG.

The biggest influence in your life?

My brother Sam. He’s the reason my life is filled with curiosity & creativity. I think he’s also the reason I (hopefully) didn’t continue to be my teenage self.  

What are you dreaming of?

Currently, Folk V.2 post pandemic. Like lots of others, I am turning the inside of the café into a shop and deli, and will continue to use the outside space as a café. Don’t worry – some changes are being made to make sure it’s going to remain useable into the colder months. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about banana ketchup from @thepickledjam74 and floral displays from The Flower Hut (

Other than that, unicorns flying me to California, waking up to a dog that has grown into the size of a bear. You know, the usual stuff.

Your favourite website

Errrr, ? :)

I don’t spend much time looking at websites these days, but the Instagram accounts I love and am constantly drawn to are the The Barn ( Tony & Lucy make the coolest ‘stuff’ and family run Direct Furniture ( - a long standing favourite for interiors. If you know Folk already you’ll see where most of my things are from!

If you didn’t live in Suffolk…

I have an American passport that I’ve always wanted to make use of. New York just has that special something about it, I felt a bit addicted to it when I first went and still feel the same way now. I’d like to live there for a bit and experience the lifestyle & food scene properly. On the other end of the lifestyle spectrum, New Zealand.

What’s in your future plans for Folk Café

Continue to support and celebrate the people and produce of Suffolk whilst having fun with my awesome team, more events and collaborations. Long term – maybe an EAST (Suffolk) FOLK?

 If you weren’t doing what you do

I did go through a phase of wanting to be a detective. I think I ended up landing on the more fun option! At the moment – all I can see is Folk.

In your fridge you’ll always find
